
I am going to start this piece by saying two things:

  • Most of the current job set up will disappear in the next 5–10 years

  • As an economy, jobs will not vanish off the face of the earth

I know most people are telling themselves at this stage, “Well, it won’t be my job that is going anywhere. I will make sure of it.”

What we don’t realize is that it is not in our control. Corporations deciding to shut down departments and/or reduce manpower is a business decision.


What do I see as a more realistic future? - 50–60% of jobs require new skills. Almost all need a substantial upgrade.

We are moving from products to platforms to marketplaces. We are moving towards a Gig Economy.

“Technology is a resource-liberating mechanism. It can make the once scarce the now abundant.”- Peter H. Diamandis, Founder of Singularity University


There is A Lot of Talk about technology taking away jobs. The interesting thing about predictions is you don’t know whether you are right or wrong until it is too late.